Midland Hwy, Lyell Hwy & Bridgewater Bridge
The Midland Hwy and Bridgewater Bridge connect Bridgewater, Brighton and Pontville to Granton and Hobart's western shore.
Bridgewater Bridge
The New Bridgewater Bridge is the largest transport infrastructure project in Tasmania’s history and will replace the 75 years old structure that is reaching the end of its life. The new bridge will represent over 1.2km of elevated structure and will include a 3.0m wide shared path. The path will extend between Old Main Road in Granton, the Granton Park and Gunn St Bridgewater. Wide sealed shoulders on the roadways are included in the plan.
Work commenced on the Bridgewater Bridge in 2022 and cycling through the construction zones on either side of the river is challenging and best avoided, if possible. The bridge is expected to open in 2025. See Bridgewater Bridge website
Brighton Bypass
July 2011. As part of the Brighton Bypass project, a 2.5m wide multi-user path has been constructed along the western side of the bypass between Bridgewater and a location approximately 1km south of the Brighton township (path shown in red on the map).
July 2010. As part of the design for the Brighton Bypass, a 2.5m wide multi-user path is planned for construction along the western side of the bypass between Bridgewater and Brighton township. There is still an unresolved section between the bypass pathway and the Brighton township pathway. Cycling South is pushing for a separated pathway on the road reserve to link the two paths rather than on-road bike lanes and has met with officers from DIER and Brighton Council.
April 2009. Cycling South met with DIER and consultants preparing plans for the Brighton Bypass to discuss provision of a multi-user path from Bridgewater, through the industrial estate to Brighton township.
Railway crossing
2011. The notorious angled rail crossing on the causeway leading to the Bridgewater Bridge has finally been addressed, with the disused line asphalted up to the edge and flush with the rail to eliminate the gaps that caught bicycle wheels, causing crashes. See photo.
Lyell Hwy
In 2024 upgrades to the Lyell Hwy were announced as a funding commitment as part of the State election. Consultation was undertaken in Oct/Nov 2024.
In 2008 CyclingSouth met with DIER and Pitt and Sherry to discuss how conditions for cyclists could be improved as part of a previous upgrade including:
wider sealed shoulders - including in the 'bumpy bits' section which was already upgraded without sealed shoulders
Reduced speed zones in some sections
Some improvements were made in 2008/09. ​An off-road shared path should also be considered as part of future upgrades to the Lyell Hwy.
2009. The Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources (DIER) will commence works to upgrade the Midland Highway – Lyell Highway junction on the southern side of the Bridgewater Bridge starting Monday 20 April and due to be completed by September 2009. The project works involve reconstruction of the junction to provide a roundabout and upgrade the Forest Road junction to the west. As part of the project road cyclists have been catered for on some of the approaches. The railway crossing will remain a hazard to cyclists due to the awkward angle of approach. CyclingSouth's position is for an off-road multi-user path on the south side of the Bridgewater Bridge to link around the foreshore to Old Main Rd. The pathway would allow cyclists not using the Lyell Hwy to avoid the roundabout and enable a safer crossing of the railway tracks through improved alignment and separation from motor vehicles. CyclingSouth will persue this option as part of any future Bridgewater Bridge replacement.